08 noviembre, 2011

AJOLOTE Mexicano

Mexican Axolotl   Ambystoma mexicanum

Photo: Close-up of a Mexican axolotl
Photograph by Stephen Dalton / Animals Animals - Earth Scenes

Mexican Axolotl Profile

The Mexican axolotl (pronounced ACK-suh-LAH-tuhl) salamander has the rare trait of retaining its larval features throughout its adult life. This condition, called neoteny, means it keeps its tadpole-like dorsal fin, which runs almost the length of its body, and its feathery external gills, which protrude from the back of its wide head.

Found exclusively in the lake complex of Xochimilco (pronounced SO-chee-MILL-koh) near Mexico City, axolotls differ from most other salamanders in that they live permanently in water. In extremely rare cases, an axolotl will progress to maturity and emerge from the water, but by and large, they are content to stay on the bottom of Xochimilco’s lakes and canals.

Close relatives of the tiger salamander, axolotls can be quite large, reaching up to a foot (30 centimeters) in length, although the average size is closer to half that. They are typically black or mottled brown, but albino and white varieties are somewhat common, particularly among captive specimens.

Axolotls are long-lived, surviving up to 15 years on a diet of mollusks, worms, insect larva, crustaceans, and some fish. Accustomed to being a top predator in its habitat, this species has begun to suffer from the introduction of large fish into its lake habitat. Natural threats include predatory birds such as herons.

Populations are in decline as the demands of nearby Mexico City have led to the draining and contamination of much of the waters of the Xochimilco Lake complex. They are also popular in theaquarium trade, and roasted axolotl :chef: is considered a delicacy in Mexico, :cheers:  further shrinking their numbers. They are considered a critically endangered species.


Map: Mexican axolotl
Mexican Axolotl Range

Fast Facts

Type: Amphibian
Diet: Carnivore
Average lifespan in the wild: 10 to 15 years
Size: up to 12 in (30 cm)
Weight: 2.11 to 8 oz (60 to 227 g)
Did you know? Because they have the ability to regenerate lost body parts, axolotls are probably one of the most scientifically studied salamanders in the world.
Protection status: Endangered
Size relative to a tea cup:
Illustration of the animal's relative size

Chef MiLUsos

6 comentarios:

DRD Visions dijo...

que lastima ..... an other specie in danger of extention for the same reasons as others ...
thank you for mentioning him here and maybe help to awareness....

B.M.P ... dijo...

En foto , hasta le encuentro simpático, pero no me gustaría encontrarmelo cara a cara.

Angie E.G. dijo...

Me fascina. Lo descubrí con un relato de Cortazar hace mucho tiempo. Puse un post, con sus fotos y todo en un antíguo grupo de msn, pero debió perderse en la "migración" que no lo encuentro.
De todas formas, si no conoces el cuento, te doy una dirección :-)


Francisco Javier Feliú Toledano dijo...

Leñes.... Te conteste esta mañana y ahora no está mi misiva.

El Perinque es más bonito de lo que parece; una lástima que se esté perdiendo por lo de siempre.

un Autista Dislèxico dijo...

La contaminación ··· la ciudad de México es la más contaminada del mundo: hasta las medallas Panamericanas se despintaron cuando las sacaron al aire tan ácido! Xochimilco es una VERGüENZA, no tiene nombre lo contaminado de sus chinampas. Ahí era el hábitat del Axolotl, de los acociles (unos camaroncitos de agua dulce con manitas, como langostas de 3 cm) de muchas flores ahora extintas ···

un Autista Dislèxico dijo...

Otra mejora de Multiply, en buena onda y por nuestro bien. Luego dice el Staff ilococo dorado que somos groseros, mal hablados y quejicas ···